Cross-Connect Blog

Interact with CPI’s eConnect PDUs from Your Own Device

January 23, 2014

eConnect Software DemoNow you can gain a better understanding of the capabilities of the built-in software of Chatsworth Products’ (CPI) eConnect® PDU product line, which features a rich, highly functional and user-friendly interface.

This software demo links to eConnect PDUs installed in CPI's Research, Development and Training Facility in Georgetown, Texas.

Navigate the browser-based software, interact with each PDU and learn more about individual features, including:

Setting alarm thresholds

Exploring daisy-chained PDUs

Creating a group of outlets and navigating through all monitoring, settings and administration pages

Controlling individual outlets by turning outlets on, off or cycling power (on Switched Pro models only)

Try the eConnect Software Demo now. For more information on the next generation in intelligent power distribution, visit the product page.

Raissa Carey, eContent Specialist

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