To truly make the most of your Chatsworth Products Cabinet System Solution, CPI provides a variety of value-added accessories to complement its functionality and ease of use.
Power Management (5 Product Options)
Attach eConnect® PDUs to the cabinet.
16 options
Starting at $87.31 USD MSRP
Attach eConnect® PDUs to the cabinet.
16 options
Starting at $70.07 USD MSRP

Full Height PDU Bracket supports two vertical PDUs side-by-side and has multiple slots for CPI Saf-T-Grip® Straps or tie wraps to secure cords to the bracket. For use with Z4-Series SeismicFrame® Cabinets.

8 options
Starting at $85.86 USD MSRP

Full Height Dual PDU Bracket supports two vertical PDUs side-by-side and has multiple slots for CPI Saf-T-Grip® Straps or tie wraps to secure cords to the bracket. Two sizes available. For use with GF-Series GlobalFrame Gen 2 or F-Series TeraFrame<

44 options
Starting at $85.86 USD MSRP

Vertical PDU Mounting Bracket Kit used to attach Vertical PDUs to F-Series TeraFrame Gen 3 Cabinet System or GF-Series Gen 2 Cabinet System

1 option
Starting at $126.04 USD MSRP